Sunday 6 June 2010

3. Sunday 6th June

Packed the panniers , hooked them on the bike and thought - there's too much in there .
Unpacked , and with Kath's help rationalised the contents . For a novice it is really difficult to decide what might be needed .
Have now settled on what I am taking . Hooked the panniers onto the bike , plus handlebar bag and rear carrier top bag and tried it out on the streets . Balance was good as was handling on corners .
Am taking the netbook for updating of the blog . 


  1. Tony and I are thinking of you Eugen. Will be following your blog closely. Take care. MM XX

  2. Hi Eugen, I think you'll find that 4 inches is plenty ;)

  3. Following this blog is easier than I expected, if a little dull. At the very least, I was hoping for a status report on the testing of the new 'Kus 4 incher' - The next best thing to wireless.

    I had also considered purchasing a pair of lightweight cross trainer type shoes from Winners in Barack Lane, so I am keen to know how they are performing.
