Tuesday 15 June 2010

12. Day 8. 15th June . Hawkeshead to Dumfries .

Junction of Kirkstone Pass and Kirkstone road .

Looking back on the Kirkstone road .

Views back down to Ambleside .

Cottage near the start of the Kirkstone road .

Kirstone Pass Inn

Images of Hawkeshead village.

Hawkshead is a lovely village, particularly on a sunny day like today. Before breakfast I had a wander about with the camera. Set off at 9.00am for Ambleside and the Kirkstone pass. Rather than go up the pass, I decided on the Kirkstone Road which joins the pass at the summit near the Kirkstone Pass Inn pub. Shorter, but much steeper than the pass. Essentially a steep hillwalk pushing a heavy bike. Quickly gained height with the accompanying stunning views.

On reaching the summit I celebrated with a small beer.

Special note for Kevin C re cross trainers from 'Winners' in Barack lane. They have survived torrential rain and today proved their worth at altitude. I will recommend them to the NASA Space Program.

Fast descent to Ullswater, though was prevented from achieving a speed record by a slow car in front.

Passed through familiar places Patterdale and Glenridding. Proceeded towards Carlisle, a little sad to be leaving the Lakes.

Negotiated another traffic nightmare and headed for Longtown. From there to Gretna and Dumfries. Very tired. Luckily found a B&B after asking some folk outside a pub.
Later walked up to the town centre looking for food . Nice town centre, very quiet apart from a few drunk people wandering about .
Only eating place open was a Chinese restaurant and I was the only paying customer . Turned out to be very nice and I treated myself to a belated birthday treat - a 3 course meal . Amazed at my eating capacity - have never  been so hungry !
Stats: distance 88m
Max speed 37mph
Avg speed 10.4 mph
Cumulative distance 630 mls

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