Thursday 24 June 2010

18. Day 14. 21st June. Wick to John O'Groats

Made an early start for the last 18m .

A dreigh morning but no rain . Had expected an easy run , but there were still some long hills to climb . A desolate lanscape, though still a few habitations scattered about .

Finally arrived at my goal . Nothing like as touristy as its southern equivalent , but not as sparse as I had expected. There is an impressive building - once a hotel - which will soon be restored .
Total distance 1053m .

Got the official photo taken and then celebrated with a cream slice and cup of tea .

On return to Wick, booked my overnight train from Inverness to Euston.

Had some time to spend , so went looking for a suitable lunch venue . I leant the bike against a lamp-post and got talking to a 'Wicker' - they have an irish type accent . I then went into the nearby cafe and sat at the window so's to keep an eye on the bike . Whilst tucking into my haggis lunch , noticed a couple of likely lads cruising around the bike - and then standing outside the cafe looking at the menu - obscuring my view of the bike . I was vigilant , but secure in the knowledge that I had locked the bike to the lamp post . At one point a third accomplice had a close look at the bike while the other two were looking at the outside price list .

Eventually they cleared off and I was able to finish my lunch .

Left the cafe and went to unlock the bike - it was not chained to the lamp-post! In talking to the Wicker , I forgot to lock it . What had put the likely lads off nicking the bike was that the spiral wire looked as though it was going throught the rear wheel .

Total distance 1053m .

Arrived back in Bognor at about 11am 22nd june .

17. Day 13. 20th June. Dingwall to Wick

Nearing the top of the climb out of Helmsdale
Views along the A99
Overnighted at the National Hotel in Dingwall . The previous evening's steak & ale pie was fine .
Was down for breakfast at 7.30 and saw one of the cooks bring in an impressively large pot of porridge . The contents were not quite as impressive - lumpy porridge . Had two bowls .
The two poached eggs duly arrived - hard boiled . Ate eddible bits and made a quick exit .
For the first time on this cycle, the wind was not against me and I made a fast start covering the first 20 miles at an avg speed of 14mph . The wind then picked up somewhat but remained to the side or slightly helping .
The A9 turned out to be OK - mostly level with moderate undulations .
There is a murderous long climb out of Helmsdale - but I managed to cycle it .
The last 20m to Wick are across exposed moorland and the side wind was severe with heavy horizontal drizzle as I approached the town . Found a nice place to stay with the help of the local B&B network . Excited , as only 18m to do the next day .
Distance 96m
Avg speed 11.1mph
Max speed 42mph
Cumulative distance 1035m

Sunday 20 June 2010

16. Day 12. 19th June. Roy Bridge to Dingwall .

Commando memorial at Spean Bridge

Loch Ness

Views along the A833

Decided to use the A82 since it offers the most level route – I'm trying to save my left knee.
The constant headwind made for slow progress. The wind was very cold and at one point I put plastic bags over my gloves to make them windproof. Lovely views all along this road.
The motorised traffic showed good manners – only the occasional scare. At Drumnadrochit joined the A833 in order to bypass Inverness. Very long steep push up a hill to start with but ok after that. Buley was staging some sort of cycling event and I was cheered through the finish line but cycled past the bemused officials who were handing out the medals. Decided to call it a day at Dingwall.
Today's Stats: Distance 72m
Avg Speed: 9.9 mph
Max Speed 34 mph
Cumulative milage: 939 miles

15. Day 11. 18th June.Lochgilphead to Roy Bridge.

Images of Crinan Canal and Vital Spark .

Ballachulish Bridge

Outskirts of fort William

Ben Nevis

Left Lochgilphead early and followed the Crinan canal towards Crinan to find the Vital Spark. Eventually found it in drydock looking somewhat sad. Continued onto Oban and Fort William with the intention of staying with Jim Anderson at his Roy Bridge cottage.
Knowing that beer, food & bed were waiting I was willing to go the extra mile.
Another hard day with northerly head-wind .

Got there about 9pm .

Stats for today:
Distance: 103 miles
Average speed: 9.7 mph
Max speed: 31.5 mph
Cumulative total: 867 miles

Thursday 17 June 2010

14. Day 10. 17th June . Ardrossan to Lochgilphead .

Tarbert Harbour

Kilbrannan Sound

Crossing Arran

Leaving Lochranza

Arriving at Brodick

Awoke early and on opening the curtains saw the Arran hills trough a veil of early morning mist . The council work force was already busy planting flowers in the promenade flowerbeds . Cycled to the ferry terminal in good time . Quite a busy ferry terminal with many trade and supply lorries coming off the ferry . Also many foot passangers with rucksacks . The two combined Brodick and Lochranza crossings came to about £11 .
Arrived in Broddick and headed north west to find the B880 . Eventually found it together with a notice that the road was closed .
Reasoned that it might be closed to motor traffic , but that I could no doubt get through on a bike and therefore embarked on a long push up the hill. This road is called 'The String' and the summit is at 234m elevation . Whilst pushing the bike up the hill , there was a steady stream of heavy lorries laden with tarmac going up the hill .
On reaching the summit of the pass, started the descent and soon came upon a gang of workers spreading tarmac . As I slowed, one of the group came forward to tell me that the road was closed . Furthermore , he advised that he was doing me a favour by turning me back at this point, because if I were to continue, I would certainly be turned back at the next workings 2 miles down the road . He was blocking my progress but I replied that I would take my chances and cycled round him , to his protestations .
Further down the road I met a friendlier gang of workers and proceeded onwards. The site engineer eventually pulled up in his landrover and informed me that the road was closed, but displayed some common sense by telling me that I was ok to continue as long as I kept to the right hand side of the road .
Missed the turn-off to Machrie and instead continued to Shiskine .
After a tranquil sunny ride along Kilbrannan Sound , I eventually arrived at the Lochranza ferry. terminal - somewhat smaller than Brodick .
After crossing to Claonaig, I took the B8001/A83 to Tarbert .
Tarbert has a lovely harbour , where I stopped for 20mins for a half pint Tennents and a packet of crisps .
This was followed by an uneventful run into Lochgilphead , where I quickly found a nice Bed sans breakfast . The landlord assured me that the cafe next door did cheap sandwiches in the morning .
After a shower , walked into the town looking for food . Ended up in a pub and ordered Haggis with all the trimmings - telling the lad behind the bar that I was extremely hungry and could he convey to the chef the need to be generous with the portion . The Haggis duly arrived - as a 'creation' .
A large plate with a cylindrical layer of mashed potato on top of which was a lesser diameter cylindrical layer of haggis and top of which was another lesser cylindrical layer of mash .
Around the periphery of the plate the nips were decoratively dispensed to resemble petals of a flower . All this for a mere £7.50 . I quickly mashed the 'creation' into a homogeneous mass .
and it was in my tummy in about 2 minutes . I told the bar staff that it was poor value for money .
Distance 56m
Cumulative milage 764m

Wednesday 16 June 2010

13. Day 9. 16th June .Dumfries to Ardrossan .

Ardrossan with Arran hills in the distance .

Devorgilla Bridge in Dumfries .

Mauchlin Burns memorial .

Irvine to Ardrossan cycle path .

Jock and me

Departed Dumfries at 8.30 am. Lost my way but used iPhone to get back on track. Decided to use the A76 to Kilmarnock. Mostly ok but in places the white line disappears and when this is on an uphill left hand bend , then things become dangerous. At Mauchline took cross country route at the Burns memorial to Tarbolton and thence to Dundonald and Irvine. By chance found a cycle route to Ardrossan across beautiful gorse covered landscape, two golf courses and single track road. Arrived in Ardrossan about 18.30 and fairly quickly found a B&B overlooking the seafront. Jock and Enid came over from Lenzie to meet up with me for a convivial evening at the Lauriston Hotel. Intend to catch the 9.45am ferry to Brodick.

Stats for today:
Distance 78 miles
Max speed 36.5 mph
Avg speed 10.3 mph
Cumulative distance 708miles.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

12. Day 8. 15th June . Hawkeshead to Dumfries .

Junction of Kirkstone Pass and Kirkstone road .

Looking back on the Kirkstone road .

Views back down to Ambleside .

Cottage near the start of the Kirkstone road .

Kirstone Pass Inn

Images of Hawkeshead village.

Hawkshead is a lovely village, particularly on a sunny day like today. Before breakfast I had a wander about with the camera. Set off at 9.00am for Ambleside and the Kirkstone pass. Rather than go up the pass, I decided on the Kirkstone Road which joins the pass at the summit near the Kirkstone Pass Inn pub. Shorter, but much steeper than the pass. Essentially a steep hillwalk pushing a heavy bike. Quickly gained height with the accompanying stunning views.

On reaching the summit I celebrated with a small beer.

Special note for Kevin C re cross trainers from 'Winners' in Barack lane. They have survived torrential rain and today proved their worth at altitude. I will recommend them to the NASA Space Program.

Fast descent to Ullswater, though was prevented from achieving a speed record by a slow car in front.

Passed through familiar places Patterdale and Glenridding. Proceeded towards Carlisle, a little sad to be leaving the Lakes.

Negotiated another traffic nightmare and headed for Longtown. From there to Gretna and Dumfries. Very tired. Luckily found a B&B after asking some folk outside a pub.
Later walked up to the town centre looking for food . Nice town centre, very quiet apart from a few drunk people wandering about .
Only eating place open was a Chinese restaurant and I was the only paying customer . Turned out to be very nice and I treated myself to a belated birthday treat - a 3 course meal . Amazed at my eating capacity - have never  been so hungry !
Stats: distance 88m
Max speed 37mph
Avg speed 10.4 mph
Cumulative distance 630 mls

Monday 14 June 2010

11. Day 7 . 14th June. Crosby to Hawkeshead .

Red Lion in Hawkshead.

Hawkshead post office.

Anne Tyson's B&B in Hawkshead .

Early 8.15 start from 9 Elton Ave in Crosby. Followed the coast road through Southport and then the A59 to Preston – this had a cycle path most of the way. Of course once you hit the town proper, no more namby pamby cycle lanes and you become the ball in a pinball machine in which car drives think that shaving a few seconds off their journey is well worth putting the life of a cyclist at risk.

Now out of Middle England continued on the A6 onto Lancaster – got there at School out – chaos.
Once out of Lancaster continued on the A6 to the Lake District. Long slog up the A6 and then the A591. Then took the B5284 to Bowness. Crossed to Far Sawrey on the ferry and headed to Hawkeshead. Got there at 20.10 – 12 hours after leaving Crosby.

I went to my favourite pub – The Red Lion looking for a B&B and they directed me to Anne Tyson's B&B in the little lane across the road. I knocked on the door and they had a room at a reasonable £33.

A tough day with a moderate northerly headwind all the way.

Stats for today:
Distance 92 miles
Average Speed: 10.7 mph
Max Speed: 35.5 mph
Total Distance so far: 542 miles